En esta sección se incluyen los artículos publicados en la revista ITF Coaching & Sports Science Review en su versión inglesa. Haz clic en el texto para acceder al pdf. Para la versión en castellano o francés, se sugiere acudir al sitio web de ITF Academy.

2022- Martínez, … Crespo – Impact of the ITF Tennis Play and Stay campaign- ITF CSSR 86

2021 – Crespo et al. – Innovation in tennis. An overview of research – ITF CSSR 83

2020 – Crespo, Jabaloyes – Innovation post COVID-19 a must for tennis – ITF CSSR 81

2018 – Martín, Campos, Crespo – The inside out forehand – ITF CSSR 74

2017 – Cortela…Crespo… – Professional competencies in tennis coaching – ITF CSSR 71

2016 – Cortela, … Crespo, … – Professional knowledge of tennis coaches – ITF CSSR 70 

2016 – Roetert, Kovacs, Crespo… – The role of tennis – ITF CSSR 69

2016 – Sackey-Addo, Pérez, Crespo – Fundamental motor skills – ITF CSSR 69

2016 – Alvariño, Altur, Crespo – Tennis player development – CSSR 68 

2015 – Buscombe, Shone, Preston, Crespo – Copying with emotional – ITF CSSR 67

2015 – Campos, Crespo, Sebastiani – Emotional competencies of the tennis coach – ITF CSSR 65 

2015 – Crespo – Vic Braden – ITF CSSR 65 

2015 – Probert, Crespo – Sociology of tennis – ITF CSSR 65

2012 – Piles, Crespo – Tactics elite mens tennis 1 – ITF CSSR 56 

2012 – Piles, Crespo – Tactics elite mens tennis 2 – ITF CSSR 56 

2011 – Crespo, van de Braam – ITF Recognition of CEd systems – ITF CSSR 54

2011 – Crespo – Tactical periodisation in tennis – ITF CSSR 53 

2010 – Crespo – Psychological issues with 10 & Under – ITF English 51 

2010 – Crespo, Over – ITF CSSR Analysis – ITF CSSR 50

2009 – Roetert, Kovacs, Crespo – Talent development in tennis – ITF CSSR 49

2008 – Newman, Crespo – Performance profiling tennis – ITF CSSR 44

2006 – Crespo, McInerney, Reid – Long term coach development – ITF CSSR 40

2006 – Crespo, McInerney – Talent ID & development – ITF CSSR 39  

2005 – Roetert, Reid, Crespo – Introduction to modern periodisation – ITF CSSR 36 

2005 – Crespo, Reid, McInerney, Miley – Tutor contact hours – ITF CSSR 37 

2005 – Crespo, Reid, Miley – Tennis coach education – ITF CSSR 35 

2005 – Reid, Crespo, Santilli, Miley – ITF boy’s circuit – ITF CSSR 35 

2004 – Crespo, Reid – Control of on-court training in tennis – ITF CSSR 32 

2004 – Reid, Crespo – Complex training for tennis – ITF CSSR 32

2003 – Pluim, Crespo, Reid – 10 ways sleeping – ITF CSSR 31

2003 – Roetert, Crespo, Reid – How to become a model – ITF CSSR 31

2003 – Crespo, Quinn, Reid – Drilling psychology – ITF CSSR 30 

2003 – Duda, Balaguer, Crespo – Burn out in coaches – ITF CSSR 30  

2002 – Crespo, Reid – Introduction to tactics – ITF CSSR 27 

2002 – Reid, Crespo, Calder – Recovery – ITF CSSR 26 

2002 – Roetert, Crespo, Reid – Myths of tennis coaching – ITF CSSR 26 

2002 – Turner, Crespo, Reid, Miley – TGFU – ITF CSSR 26

2001 – Crespo, Reid – What research – ITF CSSR 23

2001 – Crespo, Reid – What research – ITF CSSR 21 

2001 – Pluim, Crespo – Jet lag – ITF CSSR 21 

2001 – Reid, Crespo, Calder – Recovery – ITF CSSR 21

2000 – Cooke, Crespo – What research – ITF CSSR 21 

2000 – Crespo – The easy five – ITF CSSR 20 

2000 – Crespo – What research – ITF CSSR 20

1999 – Crespo – Tactical approach – ITF CSSR 19 

1999 – Crespo – Teaching methodology – ITF CSSR 19 

1999 – Crespo – What research – ITF CSSR 19

1999 – Crespo – Tennis coaching on the web – ITF CSSR 19 

1999 – Crespo – What research – ITF CSSR 18  

1999 – Crespo – Womens tennis on the web – ITF CSSR 18

1999 – Crespo – What research – ITF CSSR 17

1999 – Crespo, Miley – Player profile – ITF CSSR 17 

1998 – Crespo – Tennis on internet – ITF CSSR 16

1998 – Crespo – Tennis on internet – ITF CSSR 15  

1998 – Crespo – What research – ITF CSSR 15  

1998 – Crespo – Mental training – ITF CSSR 14 

1997 – Crespo – Tennis on the internet – ITF CSSR 12

1997 – Crespo – What research – ITF CSSR 12 

1997 – Miley, Crespo – Communication checklist – ITF CSSR 12

1995 – Crespo – Tactical goals – ITF CSSR 6